A sequel to Marvel's smash-hit Spider-Man game, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales continues on from the end of the original, during which Miles Morales was bitten by a genetically-enhanced spider and gained powers similar to Peter Parker's. A year after the first game's conclusion, Morales has trained under Parker and has fully integrated himself into the role of a Spider-Man, though he has yet to gain the experience. Now he's looking to gain some experience in the Funko Pop Universe. Funko's new wave of Pop Vinyl Figures features Miles Morales wearing a wide range of different suits from the game including his S.T.R.I.K.E., Programmable Matter, Winter, 2020, Crimson Cowl Bodega Cat and Purple Reign suits, which each come with their own unique ability in the smash-hit game. That's the standard wave, but who we have here is Miles Morales in his Programmable Matter Suit, jumping through the air with excitement now that he boasts a Glow in the Dark finish. Do Pop Vinyl Figures are approx 9.5cm (3.75") tall. Comes packaged in a window-display box Glows in the Dark Variant Pop Game Series- Brand: Marvel
- Category: Action & Toy Figures
- Fruugo ID: 55076888-111904835
- EAN: 889698550505
- Sold by: LatestBuy